

    Well, so yesterday I got to sip soup and chocolate milk. What joy. 

    I love food. I eat all the time. If I could be a hobbit and eat five times a day without the massive weight gain, I would. However, as I am not, I settle for three times a day as often as possible. So, for me to be stupid enough to book the dental appointment to have my teeth removed for 08:30 in the morning was seriously stupid and I clearly didn't think very far ahead. 

    So, on Day 2 of two missing teeth, I woke up in almost no pain and quite happy, until I started getting hungry. I then had more soup and soggy bread for breakfast but even that aggravated the holes as I bit on them by mistake. By lunch I was again starving and tried a sandwich thinking I could chew very carefully and only right at the back or front of my mouth.

    Well, not entirely!!! Because my pallet and gums are raw and sore, chewing on my front teeth is difficult and painful and the two teeth that were removed happen to be right in the flipping middle of my jaw on either side and no matter what I do I can't seem to miss them. 

     So a sandwich was a very stupid idea but I was starving - kind of like I am right now. So I got the sandwich down and have paid for it for the entire afternoon with a throbbing face that miprodol was incapable of curing, to my dismay. It did make me even more sure that I won't be able to cope with the operation to my jaw. The thought sends me into shivering shudders of terror immediately.

    So, with an afternoon of pain behind me and my next painkiller 41 minutes away, I am making mashed potato for my dinner. Let's hope that I don't aggravate it again, but I am soooooo hungry!!!! I need food. Seriously.