

Saturday mornings ...

Are the only time I have off right now, so I intend to enjoy them as much as I can! The only problem is I am exhausted. I want to go back to sleep, so why the hell did I wake up at 7:30am on a Saturday and then decide to get up and put the washing in ... I give up. It seems that I will never be able to sleep late, no matter how hard I try.

The piano turned out to be a dud, but it might be worth restoring it, so I am still debating whether I should keep it. It is absolutely shocking that anyone could mistreat a piano so badly - it has been scratched and graffiti'd and abused. So now I need to find someone that will be able to tell me if it is worth keeping or restoring.

So right now, after the week from hell at work, I am going lie in bed and watch a movie and see if I can go back to sleep!


Well, yesterday was my first day back at work and I managed to stick it out for the whole day. It hurt like hell. It felt like I had a migraine all in one eye by the time I got home. But, sadly, being a mere temp (be it for Audi Press or no) not only do I get paid shockingly badly, I don't get paid for any time off at all. I kind of need the money!!!

Luckily, I have half day today for which I am actually upset as again, money means a lot when you have none, but I have to go for doctors appointments today. 1st one is at 9am with the regular doctor and then there is the eye specialist at 11:15 am and then I can go back to work.

Not that I can drive yet, my poor Mum is being my chauffeur. I can't stand this, this life thing is a nightmare. I feel like my legs have been chopped off. Well, I guess my eye has really. Its still full of blood, its still bruised around the eye, it still looks awful. I don't think it has improved at all looks-wise and the vision has only gotten better slightly. Hopefully the doc will be able to tell me how much longer this is going to curse my life for before improving.

But, on the bright side, I was given a grand piano the day of my op last week and had a mad panic to get it into storage and find someone that would take delivery when I wasn't there and so on and so forth. It was a completely mad morning, but there, I arranged it, and I have a grand piano waiting for me in a container. Today I get to go and see my poor dismantled piano in its container (they had to take the legs off to get it in) and decide what to do with it.

I have wanted a Grand Piano all of my life, so I am hoping that this is in good condition and that I will be able to keep it until I can find somewhere to put it. Which might be difficult going forward as you need a set of double doors to get it into any house.
So wish me luck, lets hope that I can keep my piano!!!