


Three Beautiful Things for today ... (really struggling with this today!)

1. My car was not frozen solid this morning - Yay!

2. Alicia and I bought some mad crazy Christmas hats to wear in the office - I now have a bright red cowboy hat with white feather trim sitting on my desk! lol

3. Terry gave me a bottle of wine and a Christmas kiss! He's a honey.

Daily News ...

Well yesterday was a rubbish day and today is shaping up to be pretty much the same! So much for Christmas spirit!

Today, I am so quiet at work that I actually have NOTHING to do and am sitting at my desk twiddling my thumbs and trying to think up ways to pass the day! Wish my life away! I have done a few bits and pieces and ma now trawling the net in search of cheap flights – at Christmas?? What a laugh! The airlines have doubled their already ridiculous prices, and I am now facing a bleak Christmas and New Year in England. It’s so cold L …

Hey, I know this is my own fault due to the fact that I NEVER plan ahead! But hey, if you were stuck in a different country to your boyfriend, wouldn’t you like to try and join him?? So, my dilemma at this moment, is waste a huge amount of money, get into debt, BUT get to spend the time with my favourite person … I think I’m going to waste a HUGE amount of money and go …

This also means that I will be able to catch some sun and have two weeks away from my hectic life at the minute, and instead of fighting with my boyfriend because we have spent 8 weeks together out of 9 months, we’ll actually be talking to each other, so that is a bonus as well!

Apart from that, I am sitting in my office, waiting for Terry to arrive from London, for the final Press Review of the year. We do this once a month, and unfortunately this year seems to be ending on a low note as we are having problems with one of our specialist cars. Terry will be arriving just after 2pm, and I’ll be at lunch between 1 and 2, so that should keep me busy.

So, I will let you know when I make my decision on whether I will be having a warm Christmas or a cold one!

Monday Blues ...

Monday. Sigh.

BUT: I have discovered a new and positive way to try and drag myself out of my nasty state of wanting to hibernate and tell the rest of the world to sod off! Its called 3BT - please note the link to a Blog on your right side of the page called "Three Beautiful Things".

3BT is about naming three things each day that you find beautiful. OK, so because I am such a miserable sod at the minute, thinking of these things does at first seem a little more difficult. I sat at work thinking "What is so bloody nice about this place??" really in a right grump. But now that I think of it, there are things every day that you can really take to heart and think, those little things made my day.

So for today, here are my Three Beautiful Things:

* I won an argument with my exec - Scrooge! (OK, that was evil, but it made me grin!)

* I saw the most beautiful little kitten that needs a home, and I fell in love with him!

* And maybe most importantly, after spending a large part of the last week arguing with my boyfriend, on the end of a message, I got an "I love you".