

So Not Martha Stewart!

I went on to make my Mom's chili tomato chutney as I had a craving for it, so I got out the recipe and off I want. Clearly though, I didn't put any thought into the recipe as I would have remembered the error I avoided last time I made it and would then not have made it now!

The recipe calls for 1/2 a cup of vinegar, which I put in happily. I didn't remember the size of the tomatoes that I should have used, or the size of the chilies. The recipe said 6 - 8 chilies and so I put 7 rather large green ones in - not remembering that the last time I made it I actually asked my Mom and they were meant to be small ones! Ha! So I left it to cook away and eventually brought myself to taste it once it was done; only to be overcome by vinegar and chilies!

Wow but between the zinging vinegar and take the top off your head chilies, it was rather interesting. Needless to say, I parked that project for the moment and went out the following day to buy another 2kg's of tomatoes. I added in double what I had already put in - not the full 2 kg's but I got tired of chopping tomatoes so thought that double would do the trick. 

Well it didn't ... but by then and Pio quite liking the vicious chili kick, I decided to leave it as is. I then made a egg sandwich yesterday morning with a wee bit on and it actually wasn't bad, providing you don't use too much lol. Definitely a long way to go to be anywhere near Martha Stewart!