

Marley and Me

Was really a great book and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I even blogged about it, but I have to say, I really think that I may have more trouble on my hands John Grogan had with Marley. Snort at me all you like ...

Last week Monday Bear had his first set of shots, at 6 weeks and one day old. Not only did he get dewormed, but I also had to explain to the vet that his penis didn't look quite right - it seems that was the start of it all. So yes, he has an infection down there and had to endure the embarressment of being held down and having a load of antibiotics injected right up it!! I have never heard of a puppy having an infection down there; how on earth it happens I do not know.

So on a daily basis he lies on my feet and chews everything in sight - this is really quite cute. He removes my slippers from my feet and drags them off to his bed to chew in peace. If I refuse to allow him to chew my slippers he will then try his hardest to chew my feet to pieces for as long as I can stand his needle-sharp teeth to pierce my skin.

If that doesn't work, he will chew whatever trousers I am wearing, and walking becomes a problem when you have a Husky hanging off your leg and are at risk of ripping through your clothing. He also miscalculates from time to time and smacks into the back of my leg, forcing a little "whumph" out of him. He sits down, shakes his head, and goes right back at it. The reason why I am not disciplining him for chewing my legs as I am walking is that I am hoping that ignoring it and having him run into my legs will eventually stop him - guess what? It's not working. He does it twenty times a day.

He destroyed my lettuce bed, he steals laundry and drags it around the house (slightly embaressing when you have guests and he strolls out with my knickers in his jaws, ever so proud), he chews the furniture and me, my shoes, the cushions and whatever else he can get his teeth into even though he has numerous toys and bones lying everywhere. He chases the cats everytime they move, and won't let you clean as it is just WAY too much fun to chase the mop or broom (which he has destroyed as well btw).

We took him to dog-training (agility) the Saturday after his shots, just to find out where we could go for puppy-training, only to have Bear try and hump every other dogs leg that he could reach! He had absolutely no manners at all, and clearly didn't mind if they were male or female either.

Even at one day short of 7 weeks, the "dog whisperer" of this training session advised us that he was going to be problematic to say the least ...