

Being Sick ...

Is truly bloody miserable. My word. Its ok when there are people at home and you can whinge and be looked after by someone or be cuddled by your partner (well that wouldn't be happening with me anyway as after a year he's STILL in another country) but when you're sitting home alone it is soooo boring!
I came home half day yesterday, and that was ok, I pottered about, slept, caught up on emails whilst cuddled up under the duvet ... but today! Man! I was in bed until after 12 and time still dragged. It seems to go even slower when you feel rubbish, and today was no exception!
I spent enough time staring at my laptop screen so that I may just as well have done to work lol. Although I did fall asleep watching Obelix & Asterix - when was the last time anyone watched that?? Its wicked ... although I did fall asleep. Will have to finish it tonight!
Apart from that, not a lot going on ... Hopefully by the morning I will be well enough to drag myself into work!