

The Last Week

Has been a bit hectic and I am totally exhausted. I think that if these bloody animals would actually let me sleep I would probably KO for a week and nothing would wake me!

Pio has been away on training since last Sunday in Johannesburg to my intense irritation as it means that I have to stay here alone, in this great big house with no protection - no, Bear is not a watch dog AT ALL and would probably lick them to death before protecting me - so I have had very little sleep through nerves even though Joani came to stay with me. On top of that the animals seem to be taking perverse pleasure in waking me up constantly throughout the night, and so sleep has been minimal and I am now ready to kill them with great delight or simply remove them to the SPCA for a few days so I can get some sleep.

It also seems that throughout the course of the night one of them has stolen my silver bracelet and no doubt eaten it - this could only be Bear, who in the last week has been in a particularly evil mood even though has has been out every night apart from one for walks, has destroyed my silk bed cushions, shoes, and heaven only knows what else that I haven't actually found yet.

Yesterday he was alone all day because of the wedding, and my trainers took a beating there even though he was locked inside he must have climbed into the house through the window to destroy something of mine out of spite. Yes, they should be in the cupboard, but I had literally 5 minutes to change and make up yesterday before doing the wedding.

So last night between the animals I got no sleep and am now so tired I could just fall over, but have to go and clean up after the wedding yesterday and make sure everything gets back to the right place etc etc. I will explain the wedding and post photos later if I have the energy, but have a ton of stuff to do today and mostly just want to sleep ...

Here's hoping that it goes well and that I get a break and have a restful day after I get all the work done ...