

Technologically challenged ...

I honestly didn't think I was that stupid when it came to computers and finding my way around new pages, purchasing items online or getting used to new things. It seems I am wrong.

It began with having to get used to a new online banking system when we changed banks. So that took a little while, but I got there and am finally comfortable with and understand it. Then our savings bank changed it's entire layout and process of internet banking. It's now been months and I am no closer to knowing how to get a statement or make a payment - although apparently a lot of people are moaning about how useless it is so although it makes me feel a little better it still isn't great. 

Then my own bank changed it's online system and there I am, back to square one and totally lost months on again. Again, people do say it's a daft system, but seriously - how can I not manage to figure out and remember any of their stupid systems???

So onward with the monthly struggle of making payments and printing statements ... then this morning I decide to try a blog again after many months of not doing so. I am lost. Blogspot used to have a little dashboard button where you could update all your info, and now for the life of me I cannot figure out where to go and change all my details, as I am no longer 27 and no longer live in Swakop, etc etc. It's beyond me. I have clicked on everything you can click on and still cannot find it, so am missing something big somewhere. 

I also have no idea how to use paypal, which in this day and age is daft as well - but looking at it just confuses me. So it seems that once you turn 30 it really is all downhill ... and understanding technology is a thing of the past ...