Saturday mornings ...
The piano turned out to be a dud, but it might be worth restoring it, so I am still debating whether I should keep it. It is absolutely shocking that anyone could mistreat a piano so badly - it has been scratched and graffiti'd and abused. So now I need to find someone that will be able to tell me if it is worth keeping or restoring.
So right now, after the week from hell at work, I am going lie in bed and watch a movie and see if I can go back to sleep!
Luckily, I have half day today for which I am actually upset as again, money means a lot when you have none, but I have to go for doctors appointments today. 1st one is at 9am with the regular doctor and then there is the eye specialist at 11:15 am and then I can go back to work.
Not that I can drive yet, my poor Mum is being my chauffeur. I can't stand this, this life thing is a nightmare. I feel like my legs have been chopped off. Well, I guess my eye has really. Its still full of blood, its still bruised around the eye, it still looks awful. I don't think it has improved at all looks-wise and the vision has only gotten better slightly. Hopefully the doc will be able to tell me how much longer this is going to curse my life for before improving.
But, on the bright side, I was given a grand piano the day of my op last week and had a mad panic to get it into storage and find someone that would take delivery when I wasn't there and so on and so forth. It was a completely mad morning, but there, I arranged it, and I have a grand piano waiting for me in a container. Today I get to go and see my poor dismantled piano in its container (they had to take the legs off to get it in) and decide what to do with it.
I have wanted a Grand Piano all of my life, so I am hoping that this is in good condition and that I will be able to keep it until I can find somewhere to put it. Which might be difficult going forward as you need a set of double doors to get it into any house.
I'm Sad
Back to Reality
Work Work Work
Back in England ...
African Sun
Snow Snow Snow
This was the view I woke up to on Sunday morning. Having faith in the Met Office, as we all do, I really didn't expect their wild ravings about snow to be at all true. So, when woken up by a crazy cat yowling at my bedroom door, I didn't expect anything different. So I dragged myself out of bed, opened the door for her to come in, and climbed back in bed.
She was not impressed. She gave me a dirty look and stalked around my room angrily for a while, whinging and this odd thing that sounds like a cross between a meow and a purr. Fine. I got up.
There is a field next door to my sisters house, so after getting dressed I took a walk to the shop with my camera and started taking some photos. This seemed like the scene out of a movie like 101 Dalmations when all the puppies are running through th

So, I got myself together, trying to avoid a frantic cat as she stayed under my feet the whole time, whinging and making her funny noises but refusing to follow me outside. Thinking about it later, she probably was dying for a pee and had nowhere to go as her usual spot was under 6 inches of snow, bless her.
Well, after trying not to feel too guilty about leaving her alone with nowhere to hide from this stuff that had taken over her garden, I got in my car - after taking half an hour to get it out from underneath its blanket - I headed off to find my nephews.

The roads were awful. Either they hadn't been gritted at all, or there was simply too much snow to make much of a difference, and as there hadn't been that many cars on the road, I took a relatively slow and careful drive. The countryside was absolutely beautiful, so stopping to take photos and getting flipped off by irate drivers as they stormed down the roads with no appreciation for the beauty all around them really didn't bother me that much.
My car did some smooth skating around a few corners, down some lovely country lanes, to reach my Mum's house as she had the boys. They have to be the best fun in the snow, as they have the kind of thrill that onlychildren can from this kind of event.
They were, as expected, completely thrilled by it all, and i found my Mom, Dad, and Ethan and Aaron in the back garden building a snowman - what else do you do in the snow??
Bless my Dad, his attempt at a snowman wasn't great, so I though I would try have a go at making a real one. "You have to roll it" Says my mother. Well, two hours later we were still rolling until we could roll it no more it was so heavy. We rolled, and packed it down, rolled, and packed it down, until we just had no strength to roll anymore. We then smoothed him down, got loads of clean snow all over him to make him all perfect, and did the same again for the head. Boy did it take some time. But the end result was quite good for my first real snowman:

Then his head fell off.
Friend v Boyfriend
Shit Happens
Tomorrow is Only a Day Away...
Over and above that, there are a number of pressing matters in my life, of which most happen tomorrow lol ;-) I have such a knack for planning that tomorrow is going to be a fairly busy day. Let me explain.
I will be getting up at 4am, throwing on some clothes and driving to Gatwick Airport, which is 89 miles away and a good hour and a half. I will be late, which means my guest will be standing on the side of the road waiting for me. This is partly because I dislike getting up early intensely, and partly because I will be borrowing a tank from work and won't be able to park in the car park, so there is no way I will be early as I will not be taking a Navara into a multi-storey dinky car park that doesn't give you space to move in the smallest car, nevermind a car that's about 7 foot long. So tomorrow if you see a black Navara caning it down the motorway its because I didn't wake up in time and am now VERY late.
On top of that, its not just anyone I'm picking up, it is my so-called boyfriend - although you can hardly call it that as for the past year we have spent more time apart than we have together - actually more like 7 months apart and 3 together - it is now 13 months in total. So, earlier in the week, I lost my temper and bought a ticket for him, which means he has no choice but to fly, and if he doesn't, I would fly there and murder him, so his prospects were slightly grim. So he is finally arriving - what a surprise. The last time we saw each other was over Christmas, so it has been a while.
Then, after caning it back up the motorway, I have to throw him off at home and keep going to my Mum's house and follow her into Banbury so she can get me free parking in the city centre - I have to write the Life in the UK test tomorrow. Of all times to choose to write it - or alternatively to decide to drive to Gatwick - it would be at 9am on a Friday morning. If anyone has written it or will soon be writing it - honestly, what a load of crap. I spent a lot of time on the political section as that I knew nothing about. Well, when siting at work asking my English / British colleagues the questions that they were meant to know as having lived here all their lives, and they knew none of them, I really did laugh.
I then continued on to ask them a variety of other questions - and guess what, they didn't know! So if a British person that has lived in the UK all of their lives does not know the answers to these things, why should I?? Yes, I realise they have to understand that we can understand English and read, write etc, but there must be some kind of way to test us that is not a complete inconvenience to everyone.
On top of that, it is costing £34 in cash (which I completely begrudge) and a book that cost £10, as well as many hours wasted learning about the different percentages of people living in the UK, I really am quite angry. It is a waste of time, money, effort, and on top of that I have to take time off work to do it, which certainly didn't impress my managers in the slightest.
So, after completing the test and hopefully passing (if I fail I will die of embarrassment) I then have to cane it back to work - still driving the tank down narrow country roads now to get back to work - and spend the day there organising the fleet, at 5:30pm I will finally be able to make my way home and enjoy a peaceful weekend (hopefully anyway). I am very sure that something will come up at the last minute to ruin my peaceful plans.
Anyway, off I go!!
Sick again!!
So here I am on the couch again feeling absolutely rubbish, and as it wasn't so very long ago that I was sick, I can't take anymore time off work. Well, I probably could, if i want to get looked at funny, treated like I'm taking the piss and not get paid for it.
Hmmm, leaves me a lot of options. I will be getting myself up in the morning, getting dressed, and driving into London to spend the day there. I am not impressed with it. I think its time I started looking for another job in earnest.
The Couch
My mission was to tackle my mothers loft as I have all of my life stored up there. Sadly as I no longer have a home of my own I have taken over the loft to store my bits (more like tons) of stuff in the vague hope that one day I will eventually have my own place again ... ha bloody ha! Anyway, my Mum will soon be moving so I thought that it was about time to sort my things out and get them all organised so that they can be moved into her new loft ...
Did that take some time. Good grief. And there went my back at the same time. After four hours of moving boxes and balancing on little strips of wood, falling over clutter and throwing a cup of milo out the hatch to spray far and wide below, up the walls and everything else, I was also struggling to walk! So, I left it at that and will attempt it again tomorrow morning. Hmm, well, we'll see.
So after that joyful experience, I limped home to sit on the couch again - since I love it so much - eat Chinese, and watch Bridget Jones. I realised that (and this is only after watching Pride & Prejudice) that they are both very similar. Bridget Jones is a modern Pride & Prejudice. Anyway, I digress as usual, Bridget Jones has nothing to do with me sitting on the couch ... apart from the fact that I feel just like her at times (except I so do not say such stupid things and hope to God I never will!!) but apart from that (and the big knickers actually lol) a vodka and a cigarette will solve just about any problem!!