Well, talk about freezing! I have been in the UK now for almost 5 years and this is the worst snow I have seen, it is amazing!
If you are one of those people that when you see snow it just makes you feel like you have stepped into another world, then you will understand how I felt when I jumped up this morning and in my half asleep state, tripping over everything on my way to the window with my hair on end, pulled back the curtains to gasp in awe at the site from my window.
I felt like I imagine my 5 year old nephew would as I dragged on my clothes, still tripping over things as I am as blind as a bat without my lenses in, spent a frustrating couple of minutes trying to find my glasses, and when I couldn't find them - due to being extremely short sighted - I had to battle with getting the lenses back in.
I felt like I imagine my 5 year old nephew would as I dragged on my clothes, still tripping over things as I am as blind as a bat without my lenses in, spent a frustrating couple of minutes trying to find my glasses, and when I couldn't find them - due to being extremely short sighted - I had to battle with getting the lenses back in.
I eventually got myself out the front door with my new expensive digital camera, only to have me feet slip out from underneath me and to land on my butt in three inches of snow. Jumping up fast is really not an option, so I had to gently raise myself off the ground, discovering that denim doesn't really keep the snow out. I then had to endure the postman laughing his head off at me and running over my front lawn and leaving footprints in my perfect snow! He thought he was being helpful I expect. .jpg)
I looked up to discover my car had turned into a snow cone overnight. I thanked the Lord that I am currently unemployed and had no reason to scrape the snow off my car and go to work. Instead, I got to gently walk around in the beautiful winter world, nursing sore and wet buttocks. I took some beautiful pics of the neighbourhood, totally in awe.
After half an hour my feet were soaking, as being South African, I had never used or considered buying this useful footwear. I imagine I looked like a complete moron to anyone else in the area with my camera gawking at trees.
I made my way back through my front door as I couldn't get in my back gate as the snow was piled up against it and I didn't want to disturb it! How sad!
Made myself a cup of coffee and was staring out the study window, taking a break from writing this blog, when I discovered my neighbours behind me were making a snowman in their back yard, so I downed coffee, cigarette and computer, wrapped myself up again and jumped back out there to help them. 

This was our result!! Isn't he cute? We couldn't find buttons or a mouth for him, but nevermind, if he is still standing tomorrow we'll add them on. He's even got a cup of tea! After all of our hard work, we went back inside, drank loads of coffee and smoked too many cigarettes, and then I eventually had to make my way home through the melting snow, still using my front door mind you, as the back garden is still perfect and undisturbed.
Well, its now lunch and the snow is beginning to thaw. Its all over for probably another year, and who knows if it will be as thick and fluffy as it has been now. The beautiful winter world is turning into muddy slush as I write. By tomorrow morning there will be ice all over the roads and I'll be skating on my front path - hopefully not on my butt this time.