We have a ne
w addition to the family. First, to explain my current living arrangement. I left my house in Reading and my boyfriend on that mad trip to Namibia and when I came back I left my darling house that I loved with all my heart - the first house that I "owned" and the boyfriend and am now living in little Bicester with my sister Hope, her boyfriend Ian, and her daft cat Precious. This cat is not normal, she is touched in the head. I have attached a pic of her - she's very pretty! She is also very protective of her house and her humans and doesn't let any other cats anywhere near either of her items! Now, I have been wanting a kitten for ages as both of my babies were lost in Reading, but the above pic is why I haven't got another one - she is pure evil really.
Well, last Sunday I was at home on the couch with my babe :-( when I got a call from Hope to say "Run to Tesco's, I've found a cat and I need kitten food and milk and a box!" So off I dutifully went, and didn't actually find any of that so I thought that the baby would have to settle for normal food etc until I got to go to the bigger Tesco in town.
Picking up strays is quite normal for my family, we'll never leave an animal out in the cold or if he looks remotely unhappy, and my poor mother had to put up with all kinds for all of our lives, from horses in the kitchen to two dogs giving birth at the same time and landing up with 14 puppies and dogs all in one go, as well as chickens, ducks, cows, sheep, goats etc etc ... It was quite a madhouse really. Animals generally get treated better than humans do in our house.
Anyway! So she arrives with this tiny, scrawny bag of bones wrapped up in her ha
t and scarf - oh, she had taken our nephews to a trout farm in Bibury - and STINKING of fish. The first thing he got was a bath, poor baby. Here's a pic of what he looked like that first day. He is snow white, but at the time was covered in this stinking yellow muck caked all over him, he had mucky eyes full of icky stuff, he was sneezing his head off, scratching his ears, bless his little heart, you have never seen anything so dejected - until he go a sniff at the food and then he couldn't eat fast enough!!!
Well, he ate and ate and ate and hasn't really stopped. He's been to the vet and has all sorts of antibiotics and drops for all his various ailments and has perked up amazingly. He is now looking like a proper kitten, not the bag of bones that you were too scared to pick up as you thought you were going to throw up because of the stink of rotten fish. He now rules the house - Precious, for the first time in her life, seems to have admitted defeat and ISN'T killing him!
He has the run of the house, he plays, he chases Precious and steals her food, and has settled in quite well. My only gripe is that he doesn't like my feather duvet and won't sleep on my bed!!! Gutted man!!