


I've done another crazy thing. Seems I need to sort my head out and stop doing crazy things or I'm going to old and still running around not wanting to settle down. I just want the perfect job, and the perfect life, and I don't want it to be in this country. You would think that it wouldn't be hard to get that right, but hey ho, apparently it is!

My job working for the Press Office is great. I love some of the people I work with (you can never love everyone you work with), I love the cars we deal with, I love getting to drive them, I love the prestige of the job, the journalists, the Events, everything. So I handed my notice in two weeks ago. I finish work on the 6th June. I don't have another job, I don't have much money saved at all, so I thought I'd fly to Namibia for two months.

I finish work on the 6th June. I will then cane it down to Gatwick Airport SOMEHOW, haven't worked that out yet, and get straight on the plane. I will stay in Namibia for two months, get some peace and quiet, I might work a bit if I feel like although finding a job might be difficult lol, otherwise, I'm just going to chill. Then, after looking into things there for that time and getting to know the country a bit better, I'll make my choice of whether I'm staying here or I'll go back.

On my return flight on the 5th August, I get off the plane at Gatwick at 5:55am, hang around the airport for a while, and then get on another plane at 10am for Jersey to go to a wedding. Talk about cutting it fine. I haven't told the bride this as she may have a heart attack - control freak - and doesn't need to worry about anything else for the moment!!

On return from the wedding, I can then either get another job, or go back to college full time. I really want to go back to college, and my parents have agreed to help me out, but the problem with this is even though I am at full time college I still need to live, run my car to get backwards and forwards, pay insurance, have a phone, things like that. So that might not actually work unfortunately. So I guess I get a job - maybe in Brighton - and stick out another year in this country if I choose to. In winter. Yay.

Life is a journey, and apparently its not about the destination, but how you get there. So as we only live once, I can surely keep on doing stupid things!!