Well, wasn't I depressed last time I wrote! How dull and miserable.
We have our builder here now for a month and he is working away like a little bee. We thought that we would start by building a large retaining wall so that we could have a flat spot on our mountain. Then I will pave and out grass in, put shade net across it, and have a lovely area for summer where the pool can go and we can sit to relax.
The foundations have now gone in for the mofo of a wall that looks like it's going to be the same height as the electric fence (I miscalculated slightly it would seem lol). Whilst they're drying, James is making pavers and painting the igloos. They managed to get up on the roof and seal it so that's going to be brilliant - no more leaking come rainy season we hope. But the colour choice is very limited when you're buying roof paint, so I chose green, but it's awfully dark :( am hoping that it lightens slightly with time. I thought that I almost might frame the windows in white to break it and make it look prettier.
When the flat area is done and the wall up, it means that all my plants can go out in proper pots and make it look really nice with flowers and pretty things again. I can't wait. Speaking of, I must water my plants this morning and see how they're surviving. They aren't happy out here - its either too hot or too cold and they're struggling in the bags so it will be great to get them out into pots again where they can live properly.
Then at the end of the month James is off home to Katima for a month, then back to Marius and Nadia to finish their bathroom before he can come back here. So it's going to be a while before he gets back here to start building the garage, but it gives us time to get the architects in to measure up, correct the igloo plans and to add the garage so we can start with that when James is back. It will be great to have a garage where we can store the bikes and cars.
There is so much to do and I just wish he could stay longer to get there quicker, but everything comes with time and we mustn't be hasty. Let me go water my plants and see what they're doing :)