Finally, the news forecast has been correct. It took them two months to get it right, but it seems that it finally is! This means that we are having wonderfully overcast weather, which is absolute heaven after the terrible heat, and thunder storms every evening. We have the most amazing sunsets and sunrises because of the clouds and the mist - so beautiful. It just makes me want to sit and write and create - it's that perfect weather that is so different to what we're used to that it's like a holiday and I am struggling to work in it! Look at the storms rolling in - we have the most amazing views from the top of our mountain!
It almost looks as if you could reach up and touch the clouds, they're so close!
So, in the midst of all this rain, we have leaking ceilings (oh wait, an igloo doesn't really have a ceiling, it's all just round ... ) lol but they're still leaking. So no painting until the rainy season is over! The cats hate being inside as they have serious issues with Cady and Coda, so they hide outside. This means that when it starts bucketing down, I have to leave the bedroom window open so that they can get in should they choose to make the mad dash through the rain and inside.
The changing colours of the red evenings at sunset - everything goes a weird shade of orange or pink.
Rain drips everywhere and depending on the wind and the angle, the bedroom gets flooded because of the open window. Of course, unless it is just a super bad storm, we leave the front door open so the dogs can prance in and out, dragging mud throughout and getting wet dog smell all over their couch. I have washing come out of my ears with the towels and blankets and covers!

Yesterday afternoon we had blue sparks flashing up in the lounge twice - we thought that the power lines had been struck by lightning but nothing was fried, so it couldn't have been. It was a serious pop and a big blue flash - something would have been fried. We're also sure that had it been lightning hitting the house, our hair would probably have been standing on end. So we have no idea what it was, but are of course extremely grateful that nothing was fried and we still have a TV - with no drinking or smoking there isn't much else to do!

With the rains the roads are of course washing away, which is such fun - IF you have a bakkie. Joani is getting more and more depressed as the road disappears into a mess of rocks and mud puddles, whilst I have fun sliding through the mud and ramping over the rocks. One of these days I am going to miss and land in a tree down the hill - that will not be an amusing explanation to the insurance! Well, it probably will be after it's been done and over with lol. I will have to get Wilbard out and have him do some work on the road, but I am more interested in getting my house sorted.

These next two photos were taken on Sunday morning just after 6am - I got up and found that the mist was drawing in around the house or pulling back into the hills. It pulled in and out twice - shrouding the house and we had absolutely no visibility out the windows, then hanging in the hills. It was really beautiful - and the same again this morning. It stayed misty for hours and has given us a much needed break from the terrible heat and humidity that's been plaguing us! It is such wonderful weather after months of sun!
And the final one of the mist hanging in the hills - and now I am off to do some work as I can't spend the entire day blogging and writing as it doesn't pay the bills!!
Have a happy day!!!
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