Is where I have been sitting for the past 3 days. So, after being off work sick for 3 days and doing absolutely nothing - which drove me insane (actually I did do something, will elaborate later) I dragged myself off my bum today as I felt a bit better.
My mission was to tackle my mothers loft as I have all of my life stored up there. Sadly as I no longer have a home of my own I have taken over the loft to store my bits (more like tons) of stuff in the vague hope that one day I will eventually have my own place again ... ha bloody ha! Anyway, my Mum will soon be moving so I thought that it was about time to sort my things out and get them all organised so that they can be moved into her new loft ...
Did that take some time. Good grief. And there went my back at the same time. After four hours of moving boxes and balancing on little strips of wood, falling over clutter and throwing a cup of milo out the hatch to spray far and wide below, up the walls and everything else, I was also struggling to walk! So, I left it at that and will attempt it again tomorrow morning. Hmm, well, we'll see.
So after that joyful experience, I limped home to sit on the couch again - since I love it so much - eat Chinese, and watch Bridget Jones. I realised that (and this is only after watching Pride & Prejudice) that they are both very similar. Bridget Jones is a modern Pride & Prejudice. Anyway, I digress as usual, Bridget Jones has nothing to do with me sitting on the couch ... apart from the fact that I feel just like her at times (except I so do not say such stupid things and hope to God I never will!!) but apart from that (and the big knickers actually lol) a vodka and a cigarette will solve just about any problem!!
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