This was the view I woke up to on Sunday morning. Having faith in the Met Office, as we all do, I really didn't expect their wild ravings about snow to be at all true. So, when woken up by a crazy cat yowling at my bedroom door, I didn't expect anything different. So I dragged myself out of bed, opened the door for her to come in, and climbed back in bed.
She was not impressed. She gave me a dirty look and stalked around my room angrily for a while, whinging and this odd thing that sounds like a cross between a meow and a purr. Fine. I got up.
There is a field next door to my sisters house, so after getting dressed I took a walk to the shop with my camera and started taking some photos. This seemed like the scene out of a movie like 101 Dalmations when all the puppies are running through th

So, I got myself together, trying to avoid a frantic cat as she stayed under my feet the whole time, whinging and making her funny noises but refusing to follow me outside. Thinking about it later, she probably was dying for a pee and had nowhere to go as her usual spot was under 6 inches of snow, bless her.
Well, after trying not to feel too guilty about leaving her alone with nowhere to hide from this stuff that had taken over her garden, I got in my car - after taking half an hour to get it out from underneath its blanket - I headed off to find my nephews.

The roads were awful. Either they hadn't been gritted at all, or there was simply too much snow to make much of a difference, and as there hadn't been that many cars on the road, I took a relatively slow and careful drive. The countryside was absolutely beautiful, so stopping to take photos and getting flipped off by irate drivers as they stormed down the roads with no appreciation for the beauty all around them really didn't bother me that much.
My car did some smooth skating around a few corners, down some lovely country lanes, to reach my Mum's house as she had the boys. They have to be the best fun in the snow, as they have the kind of thrill that onlychildren can from this kind of event.
They were, as expected, completely thrilled by it all, and i found my Mom, Dad, and Ethan and Aaron in the back garden building a snowman - what else do you do in the snow??
Bless my Dad, his attempt at a snowman wasn't great, so I though I would try have a go at making a real one. "You have to roll it" Says my mother. Well, two hours later we were still rolling until we could roll it no more it was so heavy. We rolled, and packed it down, rolled, and packed it down, until we just had no strength to roll anymore. We then smoothed him down, got loads of clean snow all over him to make him all perfect, and did the same again for the head. Boy did it take some time. But the end result was quite good for my first real snowman:

Then his head fell off.
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