On Thursday I had an operation to correct a squint on my left eye. It wasn't a bad squint, only when I looked to the right did it become noticeable, but I thought that as my double-vision had just been getting worse over time I had better get it corrected. Also, once that has been sorted, I will also be free to go for my laser eye correction so that I can see clearly!
So I had to be at the hospital before 11:30am, and so I got there on time, as always. What they didn't tell me was that I was only going in that afternoon ... so from 11:30am to 2:30pm my Mum and I sat there like lemons. Eventually, just as I was losing my temper, they decided that it was time to take me down to the theatre to knock me out. So off i went, in one of those stupid little gowns with knee-high DVT socks, looking oh-so attractive.
I haven't been knocked out since I had my tonsils out when I was about 6, so it was almost like a first for me anyhow. It was freezing down there so they gave me two blankets luckily lol, and then stuck the little pads on my chest and the other thingy on my finger and finally the anaesthetist came in and knocked me out. I remember him saying to me "You'll soon feel all at one with the world" and I laughed back and said that I could feel it. That was the last thing I remember.
When I woke up it bloody hurt, I was dying of thirst and no matter how hard I tried there was no way I could wake up. they gave me water - there was someone sitting next to my bed, and the blood pressure machine was going on and off on my arm. Then they wanted to out drops in my eye and that bloody hurt like hell. I so can't handle pain at the best of times so this didn't go well at all - I bet they thought I was a complete pussy.
Back on the ward I finally woke up properly and asked what the time was to find out that it was 6:30pm or something around there. I almost had a heart attack as all I wanted to do was go home, so then made a conscious effort to wake up. I had a cup of tea and ate 8 biscuits in a row - the nurses must have thought I was a complete pig. I then sent Mom to the shop to buy me sweets and crisps, which I ate as well. I then felt sick.
It was then I had my first heart attack - my eye was patched up and I was all dosed up so wasn't really feeling anything. But then I felt the eye tearing and it was running down my cheek so I wiped just under the eye pad and there was blood all over the tissue, which gave me a minor heart-attack. The nurse quickly came over and said it was ok, it was normal, and stuck the pad back down so I couldn't get to it. He was lovely.
He also then told me if I didn't get up and move they would keep me overnight - I jumped up, went to the loo, got dressed, and carried on eating my sweets waiting for him to come and clean out my eye and give me the meds, which he did around 7pm. It was some time later before I stumbled out of the hospital, still half-drugged, and went home to Hope's cottage pie.
Friday was the worst I think. the double vision was really bad, the eye was aching. I eventually went to lie down and stayed down for a couple of hours watching Angel on my laptop, still in bed in my pj's. I finally remembered that I needed to put my drops in and so got up, thinking that my eye was feeling funny. When I looked in the mirror I almost died. The far corner of my left eye was full of blood and there was blood on my cheek running out the eye. I freaked. i have never seen anything that freaky in my life.
I phoned my mother and then the hospital as I had no idea what was going on and it was kind of terrifying. The hospital said to apply pressure to stop the bleeding and if it kept on bleeding then to phone back in an hour. I duly did this but it was freaky. The white of my eye was swollen with blood and with the swelling and the blood pushing against my pupil the double-vision was getting worse, so eventually we took a drive back to the hospital.
The doctor there said that it was a burst blood vessel and the blood had collected in my eye as it does in a bruise and that it would take quite some time to go away. Last night I slept flat on my back the whole night as I was too scared to sleep on my side in case it bled more, it was kind of a horrible feeling.
Today has been up and down. My eye is still full of blood and looks like something out of a horror movie, and I am still struggling with double vision and feeling very tired. Because of the double vision its kind of like I am drunk, keep bouncing off walls. Its like a headache in my eye that eventually spreads to the rest of my head by the end of the day. I can only hope that it will be better by Tuesday when I go back to work, as I may not have a job to go to.
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