I am bone-tired. All this work is not good for me I don't think! When my alarm went off this morning it seems like it went off for ages, getting louder and louder as I just couldn't wake up, roll over and hit the button. I was in that dead, dead sleep that I just couldn't wake up from, and almost curled up and went back to sleep. If I had done that there would be no way I would be at work at 9am. Not that I want to be at work, I hate the place anyway.
Work yesterday was ok, it seemed to drag a bit, and the girl (Saadia) that I am working with is always great and has a chat and a laugh which makes it much easier. Nothing worse than working with people that you don't like! We chatted about her going off to University in a month and working in a research lab for the next three or four years, all finally ending up with her making a career in either bio-chemsitry research or becoming a lecturer at one of the Uni's. She is so, so clever.
We also discussed New York and how she has been there recently. She blew away my idea of New York though (although I have to admit, my idea of New York comes from all the countless movies I have watched) and she says it is very dirty and the people dress very plainly and there's yellow cabs everywhere. I have this stupid idea in my head of New York being all pretty and clean with fairy lights and styluish people ... pop gies that bubble!! I still want to go though. I want to drive across America, from one side to the other, to see everything that there is to see. I have read the reviews on it and it sounds amazing. So that is another thing on my To-Do List ...
But for the moment it is off to work to get by and pay the bills. Lets just hope that I get on ok today and am not too tired...
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