


    Spring means warm sun, no more jerseys, slops on my feet and air conditioners! Not that we have one but hey, the thought is there. We want to put one in but never seem to get there. If people would actually pay me I would be able to, but that seems a rather fragile hope at the moment. 

    Today is also the day that I go for IQS auricular therapy and try stop smoking ... again ... I'm not sure if it will work but I'm hoping that it will. I have tried to many times - well in all honesty I talk about it an awful lot but this is the third time that I will actually be putting them down and seeing how long I can last. The first time was a few months but then I started social smoking again and it all just went downhill from there. The second time was in January this year and I stopped solid for four months without so much as a drag and then got sucked in socially again. I also stopped drinking, and when I started drinking again I then started smoking too. Now probably isn't the best time as it's going into summer and there's lots going on, but let's see if I can do it. 

     Pio is going to see if it works on me and then try himself in a months time - so for a month he has promised to not smoke here around me and will just carry on through the day as normal. I don't know how well that will work but we will have to give it a shot anyway. 

    It seems so ridiculous that something so small and innocent-looking can affect your life so badly and be so hard to put down. I still enjoy it but it's the health concerns that are really eating at me. I have even tried hypnosis and nothing has worked so it remains to be seen - if this doesn't work then I don't know what I will do. 

    But, back to Spring :) I can't wait to not be able to wear a jersey and to be able to wake up early feeling like I can actually get out of bed. I'm a miserable git in winter and hate being cold, so this just couldn't come soon enough. My only issue is Bear and his coat - shaving him makes his coat rough and wiry and you can't get a brush through it. Being a Husky, he also doesn't have pigment in his skin so shaving exposes his baby-pink underneath and he could burn very easily. We did it a few times two summers ago but last summer decided to try go without and it seemed to work. He spent a lot of time inside hiding and we walked late evenings when it was starting to cool down so that he didn't have to go out in the extreme heat. It seemed to work. 

    We want to get the air cooler put in by October hopefully and then it will make life much easier for him as inside will be a nice even 20 degrees and he will have everything he needs, but it's still going to take monitoring to see how he handles it and if he can't, it's off to have it all shaved. 

    I'm hoping that by the end of October the braai area will be completed as James didn't get to finish the retaining wall, so will come back then, and to put a new deck in. In the meantime I am going to level and dig out the other hill and use that to fill in the hole we have made, make pavers like it's coming out of our ears and fix the main road coming in as I can't handle the bumping anymore. My bakkie has got horrendous suspension so I bounce around like ping-pong balls in a popcorn machine. 

    Then, when that's done I will put shade cloth up, the pool will go back up, grass will go in, and I will prep all my pots so that my plants can go all over the place and make it look pretty. I can't wait to actually do some gardening again - so good for the soul! 

    It's definitely something to look forward to and can't wait til it's all done. 


    Well, wasn't I depressed last time I wrote! How dull and miserable. 

    We have our builder here now for a month and he is working away like a little bee. We thought that we would start by building a large retaining wall so that we could have a flat spot on our mountain. Then I will pave and out grass in, put shade net across it, and have a lovely area for summer where the pool can go and we can sit to relax. 

    The foundations have now gone in for the mofo of a wall that looks like it's going to be the same height as the electric fence (I miscalculated slightly it would seem lol). Whilst they're drying, James is making pavers and painting the igloos. They managed to get up on the roof and seal it so that's going to be brilliant - no more leaking come rainy season we hope. But the colour choice is very limited when you're buying roof paint, so I chose green, but it's awfully dark :( am hoping that it lightens slightly with time. I thought that I almost might frame the windows in white to break it and make it look prettier. 

    When the flat area is done and the wall up, it means that all my plants can go out in proper pots and make it look really nice with flowers and pretty things again. I can't wait. Speaking of, I must water my plants this morning and see how they're surviving. They aren't happy out here - its either too hot or too cold and they're struggling in the bags so it will be great to get them out into pots again where they can live properly. 

    Then at the end of the month James is off home to Katima for a month, then back to Marius and Nadia to finish their bathroom before he can come back here. So it's going to be a while before he gets back here to start building the garage, but it gives us time to get the architects in to measure up, correct the igloo plans and to add the garage so we can start with that when James is back. It will be great to have a garage where we can store the bikes and cars. 

    There is so much to do and I just wish he could stay longer to get there quicker, but everything comes with time and we mustn't be hasty. Let me go water my plants and see what they're doing :) 


At the moment I seem to have too much time on my hands and not sure what to do with it - which is ridiculous as I always have so much to do but just no motivation to do it. Damn medication. I am trying to take it in a different way to see if I feel better about things, so will see how it goes.

Back to the issue of time. I sit here looking around me and have so much to do but just can't seem to get there to do it because I am being lazy. Today I bought a little chest at the market and put it in the bathroom. I have packed all the medicines and and toiletries into it, which gives me more space in the bedroom cupboards by a little, and means that I don't have to have tubs in the bathroom with things in. Now I need to go through and sort out the bedroom cupboards, but also want that to be a job for tomorrow when we go through and clean - repack cupboards and get that sorted. Gives the girl a bit more to do as well.

The weather is so weird today - wind is howling and the dust is driving me mad but I hate having the doors closed so am living with it. I cleaned twice over the weekend to try and keep on top of it and now have given up. It can wait until tomorrow now.

I feel like I want a change in life. I'm not sure that I am happy out here on the plot. There is so much to do and not sure that I can face dealing with builders and graders getting out here just so that we can try and build. Not that we'll ever have enough money anyway, and I don't want to live in the igloos forever, they're too small and cramped and we have to share a PC and share a table and there's nowhere to go away. I think we did the wrong thing moving out here and it should go back on the market, but we will see. Maybe Pio will finally realize that I can't manage out here on my own so much.

Tomorrow I want to work on the roads, which may help getting the soil that is sitting out the front door away and help a bit with the dust, and then we have a meeting with accountants in the afternoon so it will be a busy day. We have to sit this afternoon and get all of the accounting stuff up to date and sent out when Pio arrives home. I did some of it this morning but he needs to help me with the rest.

Anyway, not much more to report. I am as bored as the dogs are and have nothing to do - I should take them for a walk maybe and then if I have time go ride this afternoon with Frankie.

It's been a while...

It has been a while since I last blogged - again. Its' amazing how life gets so busy that we don't get to the little things that we love doing and they get left by the way side. 

Everything has sort of flown out the window lately. I was diagnosed with bipolar and medicated for it, but its taking time to sort out the medication and to get used to living on meds. Its not an easy adjustment and although the first few months were bliss, it seems like they are now wearing off and life is becoming a little more difficult to deal with again. Its time to go back to the doc and speak to him again about everything, but its so expensive that it really has to be thought through properly. 

I am still writing, and that is going really well. Its the only thing that I have managed to keep on top of, and I think its because I have a deadline to work to and other people in my group, so its a really motivating factor in my life. I am getting good feedback from the others and its such a creative release, so look forward to it and am ahead in my submissions now. Let's hope that the latest feedback is good. I also managed to work through everything that I have submitted and create a master copy, so hopefully I can keep adding to that and have my final draft when I am done with everything, although it will take time to get that far. I'm hoping that I will have the money to carry on with it in July. 

Other than that, I have stopped writing in my diary as I think that my life isn't interesting enough to even keep track of, and started drinking and smoking again, so its all gone out the window and I am disgusted with myself. It's very hard to have kept up with everything and to not keep cheating. I must find the courage to start again though, as I can't carry on like this, it's not what I want out of life. But we will get there again, and hopefully stop using the excuse of not putting so much pressure on myself to do everything; but I'm pretty sure that its just an excuse. I'm too tired and lazy to keep up with everything and I blame it on the meds and the bipolar and am hoping I come out of my funk really soon. 

The Plot is becoming a burden as well, because we don't have the money to renovate and its becoming a plague! We still walk every evening, so we enjoy that with the dogs and with the sunsets, but winter is now setting in and it gets dark really early. We're hoping that if we can sell the Swakop house that we will have some money to push in, but there are no bites on that at the moment and its leaving us with a big worry that we will be stuck with it standing empty and not rented out or sold. Its going to cost a lot of money that we don't have, so its panic stations all round. Not much we can do about it though, just keep plodding and pray that something comes up and that we have the money to keep it going. We are in a bit of a financial bind at the moment - maybe I can make a sale and have enough money to carry us for a month or two again. 

So nothing happy really - I sound like I am just grumping and everything is miserable, which it isn't I suppose, but it probably just feels like it at the moment. Oh well, got to go do some work so will stop my miserable moan and get back to it!

What wonderful weather...

Finally, the news forecast has been correct. It took them two months to get it right, but it seems that it finally is! This means that we are having wonderfully overcast weather, which is absolute heaven after the terrible heat, and thunder storms every evening. We have the most amazing sunsets and sunrises because of the clouds and the mist - so beautiful. It just makes me want to sit and write and create - it's that perfect weather that is so different to what we're used to that it's like a holiday and I am struggling to work in it! Look at the storms rolling in - we have the most amazing views from the top of our mountain!

It almost looks as if you could reach up and touch the clouds, they're so close!

So, in the midst of all this rain, we have leaking ceilings (oh wait, an igloo doesn't really have a ceiling, it's all just round ... ) lol but they're still leaking. So no painting until the rainy season is over! The cats hate being inside as they have serious issues with Cady and Coda, so they hide outside. This means that when it starts bucketing down, I have to leave the bedroom window open so that they can get in should they choose to make the mad dash through the rain and inside.

The changing colours of the red evenings at sunset - everything goes a weird shade of orange or pink. 

Rain drips everywhere and depending on the wind and the angle, the bedroom gets flooded because of the open window. Of course, unless it is just a super bad storm, we leave the front door open so the dogs can prance in and out, dragging mud throughout and getting wet dog smell all over their couch. I have washing come out of my ears with the towels and blankets and covers!

Yesterday afternoon we had blue sparks flashing up in the lounge twice - we thought that the power lines had been struck by lightning but nothing was fried, so it couldn't have been. It was a serious pop and a big blue flash - something would have been fried. We're also sure that had it been lightning hitting the house, our hair would probably have been standing on end. So we have no idea what it was, but are of course extremely grateful that nothing was fried and we still have a TV - with no drinking or smoking there isn't much else to do!

With the rains the roads are of course washing away, which is such fun - IF you have a bakkie. Joani is getting more and more depressed as the road disappears into a mess of rocks and mud puddles, whilst I have fun sliding through the mud and ramping over the rocks. One of these days I am going to miss and land in a tree down the hill - that will not be an amusing explanation to the insurance! Well, it probably will be after it's been done and over with lol. I will have to get Wilbard out and have him do some work on the road, but I am more interested in getting my house sorted. 

These next two photos were taken on Sunday morning just after 6am - I got up and found that the mist was drawing in around the house or pulling back into the hills. It pulled in and out twice - shrouding the house and we had absolutely no visibility out the windows, then hanging in the hills. It was really beautiful - and the same again this morning. It stayed misty for hours and has given us a much needed break from the terrible heat and humidity that's been plaguing us! It is such wonderful weather after months of sun!

And the final one of the mist hanging in the hills - and now I am off to do some work as I can't spend the entire day blogging and writing as it doesn't pay the bills!!

Have a happy day!!!


As it's been so long since I updated the blog, a whole hell of a lot has happened. Life has changed rather a lot, and I am just not sure where to even start ... Firstly, we got rid of shitty Stelzen Street and as usual, it caused a problem and was sold for 400 thousand less than what we wanted for it. That house was never anything other than a problem, and it is still giving me grey hairs as the person that bought it won't pay his water and electricity account. I can't wait for it to be out of my life permanently and to never hear or see it again. 

We bought Plot 69 and moved out here on the 13th of February. As usual, we are cursed lol, and the truck dumped everything at the bottom of the hill and we had to drive it up in bakkies. The mountain is REALLY not that bad, people. If Joani can drive up here with a Polo, you lot can drive up here with a truck, you dumb twit. The move took ALL day even with about ten guys helping, as they were all useless and lazy and by that night, there was still half a household standing outside and the rain was building. In a panic, we desperately tried to cover everything with plastic in the dark, and a thorn from the horrendous hak-dorings outside the door went straight through my nail. Blood everywhere. I burst into tears like a proper girl, hated everything, and that day still clocks as the worst of my life.

So we settled in slowly - it hasn't been an easy adjustment. We are far out of town, the dogs give me grey hairs, our petrol bill has doubled, the white bakkie kept breaking and leaving me stranded with no car - and so it went. It is also a huge adjustment to go from a big three-bedroom with two bathrooms and plenty of space to a one-bedroom, one bathroom igloo in the middle of the bush. And yes - it's an IGLOO. Like the ones in Alaska. Round and all. 

Anyway, so here we are. In the first week, Bear decides to tackle a cow on YWAM, which is the 900 hectare farm next door. There I am, running through the bush in my yellow silk pyjamas chasing a dog that's hanging off a cow's ass and praying that the neighbor who owns said cow won't come charging down from his house to find out what all the hullabaloo is about. Luckily he didn't we caught the dog, gave him an enormous hiding born out of fury for him not listening, panic for him being almost gored by the cow, ME almost being gored by the cow and having to run through the bush in my pj's, and whatever else pissed me off that day. Pio had to phone the neighbor and tell him what had happened. It was a dark day - but Brian was quite chilled about it and there seemed to be nothing wrong with the calf and cow after their drama-filled day. Thank heavens.

Then he jumped out the car window and chased the whole herd of goats - Heaven help me. There we go, running through the bush again, although this time I was luckily not in my pj's, but I had just showered and dressed to go see a client. Up mountain and down dale until the shit simply got bored with chasing them and trotted home. I wanted to take him to SPCA then and there, but first had to shower again and get dressed to go see my client. 

THEN he and Coda ran away and spent seven hours chasing and barking at something on Christmas Eve. I didn't sleep, as we had no way to catch them, and no way even to tell where they are as noise echoes in the mountains. It was hell, but they eventually came back at 2:30 in the morning full of blood. We still have no idea what they chased and killed. I don't see them giving up on an animal unless it's dead, so I can only imagine that it was something big if he took seven hours to bring it down. He took a sheep down in less than a minute. 

So, on we go, and now we walk only when there are no animals in sight, and we don't go up the mountain but rather down the road where there have been less animals sighted. Every day is a bit of a stress as we expect them to go caning off at the drop of a hat to try kill something. We pray it doesn't happen again, although I am quite sure it will as there are just too many animals around.

Oh, the latest was of course a porcupine, but there all the dogs seemed to show a modicum of respect for it so at least used their one combined brain cell. This happened one night when Coda and Bear decided to sleep outside, and I was woken up with a bark from Coda at 2:30 am. I kicked Pio awake and we bolted up, as out here, when the dogs bark there is something there and you don't wait for the second one. Pio tried to shine a torch out the window to see if it was possibly a person with a gun - although that would have gotten him shot anyway. He doesn't have much logic at that time of the morning - at least until 10am anyway. 

So I give up on him, and can anyway hear something in the bush that is our garden - there is no difference between the inside of our fence or the outside at the moment. I open the door and charge out onto the deck, which is a death trap as with the recent rain the wood is rotting and falling away at a rate of knots. I manage to miss all the gaping holes, and see a flash of black and white underneath me. The last time I saw a porcupine I was a tiny scrap of a thing that was probably too young to remember it. I shriek "It's a porcupine!" and dash back inside for my slops. Once they're on I fly back out, down the broken deck stairs and into the bush. Again in my yellow silk pj's, might I add. 

Pio rather thoughtfully stays on the deck shining the only torch we own away from me, and then suddenly realizes at my snap of annoyance, that I am in the dark, in the bush, and have slops on. He tosses me the torch and I dash after the dogs and porcupine. I find the poor bugger nose to the kitchen wall, flinging his tail in Bear's direction. At this point in time, Kita and Coda must have realized that my yelling at them was for a reason and had disappeared. Bear chooses when he wants to listen and when he doesn't, and so totally ignored me but did show that he isn't all that dumb and didn't try bite the porcupine, just hovered and went at it occasionally. With me screaming at him, he stayed at a distance, and the porcupine shuffled back to the fence, me and Bear behind it, and zipped through.

This is what happens when you turn your electric fence off and forget it off. We turned it back on immediately. 

Then there's Coda running away, but now he stays with me pretty religiously. There's Cady coming to live and her story - that will be posted on Dog Bless You's page. There's the daily happenings, snakes, warthogs, bugs and dead goats. Spiders the size of my hand and definitely too big to squash with a shoe without me screaming like a three year old girl. 

Frankie and I are working well together but I have taken a rather slow start to this year - I am taking things easy at the moment as have had too much stress lately and struggled to cope a bit. So we are working through our list slowly and getting things done bit by bit. She has been amazingly understanding of everything. 

It is fun - I love my evening walks with the sun dropping and the rain coming in across the valley. I love that I am alone out here and no one will knock on my door when I want to be alone. I love that I can look out my window and see nothing but a mountain and bush and the odd animal pottering by. I just love the peace that I have found out here even with the worries of the crime and shootings and whatnot. It's a happy life and we're enjoying it despite the down side of longer traveling and larger fuel bills and and and. It's no longer a quick case of "Pop into town". But we're working out the kinks with time and we will get there.