

Bloody teeth!

    At the moment, they are literally quite bloody. 

    To start at the beginning, I have to have braces fitted to fix my overbite and the problems that has been causing, so three weeks ago I went to the dentist and began the work. So four hours and a week later, all my teeth have been filled, sort of like veneers, as they have been so sensitive and putting the braces on over suck sensitive teeth apparently would have been hell. 

    So lots of injections and pain and numbness later, my teeth are all filled and looking better. The next step however, was the pulling of two upper teeth so that my teeth have space to move back once the braces go on. 

    Good heavens above!!!! I went in at 8:30 this morning which sadly means my whole day has been screwed up. Had I thought about it, I would have gone this afternoon only and had a whole night to sleep it off lol, but there you go. Logic clearly didn't apply. 

    It took eight injections to get my mouth dead; apparently the metabolic rate of your body and nerves play a big role, and clearly I was panicking!!! The noise and pressure when they actually pull the tooth is something else; they hold your head down and then basically tug and loosen it before twisting it out. The pressure is fierce and the crunching kind of sent me into panic mode at the end of the first one!

    My dentist though is absolutely amazing and so understanding of my total panic and stress, talks me through everything and stops if she thinks I am going over the edge lol. So they came out, were stitched up, and wadded up with gross balls of cotton wool which I then sat with for two hours, unable to talk or drink :( wahahaha - not talking was a little difficult :)

    They are still bleeding badly which is a pain, and now that the anaestethic has worn off my whole face is pounding. I was trying to wait til 12 before taking the first painkiller as I can only take one every 6 hours, but lasted til 11:30 before popping the first one! Hopefully I will be able to last til 6pm tonight before popping another one or I am going to be as high as a kite!!! :)