Is really nothing exciting. Since the gardener walked out, that is what I am: a gardener!
Today I mowed the lawn for the first time in my life, which was really rather hard work for my scrawny arms, particularly as my joints are all still particularly crotchety and arthritic after my recent run in with a streptococcal virus. I have no nails left, I'm constantly filthy, and the garden looks no different!
Well the cut grass makes a world of difference actually; it looks really good, although I should haves tarted in the back and not the front garden. As it was my first time ever I had to figure out how to use the lawnmower; not all that logical really, but I did it. Why on this planet do you have to press the extremely hard button AND hold the handle permanently? My poor right hand is dead and sore from squeezing the bloody handle that kept stopping the moment you slacken grip for a second.
Then, which is rather funny, all of a sudden half way through the front lawn the mower stopped, and nothing would get it started again. I thought I had been real blonde and broken the mower within five minutes of using it, and was already planning my argument with Pio about it and booking myself in to have my nails done, never to garden again! I then walked inside, flopped disgustedly in front of the computer, only to find it off ...
Yes, the power had tripped! The plugs in this house trip everything constantly so it really should have been something I should have looked at but there you go, lack of brains I guess. So on I went, and have cut neat little circles into all the edges as it took me some time to work out how to cut an edge without digging the blade into the ground. Needless to say you live and learn and the back garden looks real spiffy compared to the front.
I couldn't move the hammock as it weighs a ton so that will be Pio's little patch to do when he gets in but otherwise, my garden looks very neat and clean at the moment. This would be a good thing but it means that the cleaner and neater the garden the more rubbish I have piled around the side of the house that I have to load into a bakkie and take to the dump ... sigh ... the grass was so long there is easily three bin bags worth of cuttings that need to be binned. Joy of joys.
Anyway, I have also planted tomatoes and my first plant has tomatoes on but am not sure if they're going to be useable; time will tell. I have planted my other 4 tomato plants out so am waiting to see if they take and grow. I also planted my lettuces out so am praying they are going to take and grow and that means I won't have to buy lettuce for the whole of December!
Yesterday I put more seeds in; onions, spring onions, more lettuce and gem squash. I now have to wait ten days and see if they grow; should be interesting! Today I want to plant carrots, lettuces and herbs but I am trying to find the ideal spot for them. The herbs will best grow in pots but I don't have any pots so should probably go buy more.
I also want to start growing from cuttings out of the garden; the plants in the garden are just phenomenal so want to get some hormone powder and start cutting and growing, either to sell or in case we move and then I can start a new garden wherever we go to with plants from here! Not at all cheeky lol.
Right, am off to water all my seedlings and see if my tomatoes have survived being planted out!