

Another day

Has flown by, as usual. Nothing of particular interest or excitement though, and am rather bored which is the only reason I am writing anything now! Not that I know what to write - this means we get to find out just how useless my writing skills are when I have nothing of interest to say.

"Lizzy" and "Craig" have both chatted with me, insulted me and called me old, so all three of us are on good terms although Lizzy seems to feel she is a swingers chat room as all 3 of us were chatting at the same time and relaying sarcastic comments and insults. Feels almost like I'm back in England! 

Kita, the latest addition to the mad house, is settling in well. She is a "talker", and so when she gets excited or sees you for the first time she howls with excitement which is very cute. Bear has stopped howling at the gate like a lost child, so hopefully the old bid that keeps grilling me about his welfare will stop! Seriously though, who could ever mistake a big, fat, shiny-coated mutt that constantly has half my clothes and bones the size of himself to eat every day, as being ill-treated??? He eats better than I do. 

She took a chomp out of Lucifer this morning, vicious little bag, so got her bum truly smacked. My cats are totally off-limits to these crazy dogs and they better believe I will drop them off at SPCA if they do! Yes, I am an evil Mother that doesn't care for her children. Poor Lucifer who is a very brave if very small little soul tried to put her in her place and got taken out - he spent the rest of the morning quaking on the garden roof / wall and came running when I got home from work crying his little heart out. Kita Cow will get her ass kicked if she goes down that road again!!!

She kept us up quite a lot last night - I think she gets bored. Bear climbs in and out the window in the lounge and so keeps himself amused, but she is still too little to and so wakes us up. I was so amazed, Pio actually got up for her to let her out! It didn't help that I had to get up 5 minutes later to get her back in, but the thought was there and it was truly appreciated. 

I also got a long email from Hope which was great, and finally got to send some photos out to everyone of our menagerie and Pio and myself. Sharon kindly told me that I have lost weight and am looking rather thin ... sigh ... can we ever win? Scrawny me - comes from running after 5 animals and a male child of 30. 

Anyway, nothing interesting and exiting to report so am off to shower and read my book!