To paint the picture of all of you, I work in quite a big office, there are about 50 of us, dotted across the room in little groups of 4 and 6 as we are split into our various teams. So unfortunately I am in the middle of the room, so when I am as totally bored as I am today, I can’t even surf the internet in peace as I have about 25 people sitting behind me.
Anyway! Now that it is Christmas, the people that are in the cheery Christmas mood have strung up all sorts of gaudy decorations to brighten the office and make it as tacky as possible. We have the most awful tree that should have been burnt about 10 years ago, that is hung with the worst and completely mismatched baubles and strings of cast off tinsel from someone’s house. It does have lights on it though – I am still wondering which skinflint in the office decided to give those treasures up!
So, with all this Christmas cheer all around us, I am quite sad to admit that my little set of 4 desks – the Nissan live fleet team – is the only desks in the office that have NO DECORATIONS. None. Nada. Niks! This is partly because out exec is a mean spirited Scrooge that has told us we can put up minimal decorations, nothing is allowed to hang from the ceiling and we are not to offend our religious colleague. My religious colleague has said that he won’t be offended as he does not celebrate and we can do what we like. So, now that this argument has gone on for over a week, and we are finally given the go ahead, Alicia and I cannot find any flipping decorations to put up!!! Murphy’s bloody law.
We have been to town three times this week alone looking for a little tree, or something that we can use to brighten our desks, that will not offend either the Scrooge or my religious colleague. I fully understand religion and accept it and don’t have any issue with what he believes, however, Scrooge sits there at his desk discussing with us how much his Christmas presents have cost him and in practically the same breath says that he does not celebrate!
I cannot believe that I am working with the reincarnation of Scrooge himself.
Enough complaining about him – back to the point!! The only tree that we could find was a fluffy pink feather one in WH Smith and neither of us were quite into that. So in the whole town, there seems to be a huge shortage of baby Christmas trees. So, I have now hit on a new plan and will possibly go to a nursery over the weekend and buy a real one. Then I can use it every year and when it’s not parked on my desk being pretty with decorations it can either be a bit of greenery for the office or I can take it home and stick it outside the back door.
And tomorrow we get to go for a Christmas meal and a tipple with some of the people from work. We’re going to an Italian for dinner and drinks and will then hit the town if we so fancy. As someone else has just bought out our company, we have not had the normal Christmas Party for the entire company that includes the roast turkey dinner and all the trimmings, so we have settled for the Italian with a few people that are fairly close in our teams – please note that Scrooge has not been invited …
I will update you all on the hangover on Sunday morning ...
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Hi there RhodaJo
Clare from Three Beautiful Things here. Thanks for your comment, and of course you can put 3BT on your blog. Any links are welcomed gladly, and if you wanted to do a 3BT post yourself, I'd link to it on the Roll of Honour (which really needs updating).
Am I right in thinking you are originally from Namibia? I went there at the start of 2006 -- it's such a magical place. It was part of a 10-week trip from Nairobi to Cape Town; and I think overall, it was my favourite place for scenery and strangeness (with the Okavango Delta coming a close second).
Sorry about your kitten -- what a sad story. But you and your sister gave him a few days of happiness, safety and comfort, which counts for a lot in a short life.
Aw thank you! That's so kind of you. I was telling a friend of mine about 3BT today and we both agreed its a fab idea for keeping yourself positive!
I am originally from South Africa, but did spend a few years living in Namibia and loved it. I have been there 3 times this year so far and am planning on moving back permanently in a couple of years to the Caprivi. As you say, it is a most beautiful country! Your trip sounds wicked! I'd love to do something like that - have been an avid fan of Long Way Down!
Thank you again,
Rhoda x
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