Well gosh, the week has flown by and bow so has the weekend! Yes, its still only Sunday morning, but I know that I won't be moving from the couch and the position that I am in for the rest of the day. Its raining outside, has been for days now and will still continue for days, so England has much to look forward to! So outside its dull and grey, the clouds hanging low, and inside its nice and warm and I have Kai attacking my toes and Precious glaring at me from the other couch because I am daring to play with him. The TV is on E4 Music for some reason, it was there when I turned it on so I left it and so I got to hear Backstreet Boys new song, Inconsolable!!! Who would have thought they would make a return along with the other aging "boybands" - should we call them ManBands now?? they are getting on - and actually make it!!
I remember when Take That returned on the scene and what a ruckus they caused! One of the girls that I worked with loved them with continuing teenage adoration and bought a load of tickets to one of their concerts for everyone in the office. I kindly refrained her offer of a ticket! Anyway, off they went, came back dreamy-eyed and raving about it the following day, and Gem had actually touched Gary Barlow's hand! She was ecstatic bless her heart. I have to admit though, I quite like the new song by Backstreet Boys! And I love the new song by Take That - look at me, can't remember the name! - from the soundtrack of Stardust!
Anyway, back to whatever it was we were going on about! I am trying to typ
e and keep getting interrupted by Kai and Precious. Kai, I have to admit, does tend to interrupt a little more that Precious does, and has actually tried to add his two cents worth into my blog - have a look at this pic!! He has re-arranged my desktop and changed the layout of my internet explorer already. I keep getting moaned at for letting him jump on an expensive piece of equipment but I can't help it, he makes me laugh.
Well, I have no other news really. It has been a quiet week, and I have really perfected the art of looking super busy at work and doing nothing. I don't think that I will be that fortunate again this week, it will get busy again for the build up to Christmas.
I do have a couple of decisions to make that came up over the weekend as I have been talking to my boyfriend who is still in Namibia. Things are not as straight forward as they seem unfortunately and I may have to make the decision between my relationship and acquiring my British passport which I have already been waiting almost 6 years for. And right at Christmas time too!!!
I wrapped all my presents yesterday, they're all piled up in a corner. Its only family this year, I am not buying for friends! I'd be in overdraft if that were the case, there are so many people to get for. We're having a Secret Santa at work, and the name I pick out the tin just happens to be the largest manager in the office. And I don't mean largest as most important, I mean largest width ways! What on earth do you buy for a ten ton manager??? Why me??
Oh my God, the sun has peeked its head out!!! Wow! This may mean that I have to get myself dressed and go out into the world for the first time in two days!
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