

Almost Goodbye ...

Well this is a sad day for me. As you’re not all up to speed on my life just yet, my boyfriend is not yet in this country. We originally met the first time I flew out of the UK to Namibia – well, we knew each other 10 years ago as childhood sweethearts you might possibly call us – so in my earlier blog when I said I was fed up with my life and relationship, in a mad strop I got on a plane to go see this bloke that I hadn’t seen in ten years.

Long, dramatic, eventful story later, I have been out there 3 times this year and he is planning on moving here to spend the next two years with me until we both move back to Namibia together. Anyway, so he came out here for a month to rescue the tatters of our long distance relationship – if anyone out there has done the long distance thing, don’t you all agree it is just rubbish??????

So he’s been here for a month. Tomorrow he flies back, and right now we don’t have any idea how long this next leg is going to take before everything is finalised and he can fly out permanently. I’m gutted. I stress easily as it is, and this is just driving me over the edge! So when I don’t add anything onto my blog tomorrow, just think of me at home bawling my eyes out, soggy tissues strewn across my bed, and a LARGE bottle of wine in my hand …

Ok, maybe that’s over exaggerating, I imagine I will cringe at the thought of being home alone and run to a mates place to drown my sorrows with a bottle of Bacardi. I will fill you in on the hangover on Saturday lol!

But apart from all that, the bottom line is I do not want him to go. Why are women so paranoid and over sensitive about everything? Why do we read so much into things that don’t actually mean a lot? And why is trusting someone so very difficult? I have gotten so used to waking up next to him in the morning, meeting him for lunch, and doing things together, silly little things like cooking dinner even!

Well, so over the next couple of weeks, or God knows how long until he gets back, I will be very down and boring … 6000 miles is a very long way away, and I am already dreading the astronomical bill my delighted mobile phone company are going to slap on me after this time away from each other. I’m going to paying them back for the rest of my life!
So, I will not be at work tomorrow, I will be spending my last few hours with my angel, and hoping that the hours drag, but unfortunately they won’t. So before I know it, I will be driving to the airport and saying goodbye to him, and neither of us know how long we will be apart this time around.



be strong girl - i've been on the long-distrance trip and i do know how bad it is! but the good thing is it won't last forever! ;)